How to Start an Activity
Enjoy a hobby, activity, artistic endeavor, or
a field of study that you’d like to share?
Here’s how:
BRA resident-run activities are burgeoning at Broadmead. From Board membership and Standing Committees (finance, buildings and grounds, food service, healthcare), which are invitational, to BRA Income-Producing Committees (Apiary, Barn Sale, Old and New Shop, Sew and So, and Woodshop), to BRA Financially Supported Activities and Self-Supporting Activities in areas such as Learning, Entertainment, Games, Interest Groups, Arts & Music, Nature, Reading/Writing/Literature, Social,
Support Groups, and Tech Activities — your choices abound!
Below is a summary of the steps to initiate a BRA Activity, whether large or small, throughout the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30):
1. Call the BRA Activities Coordinator for support and guidance.
2. Determine by word-of-mouth or BRA listserv email survey whether there is a core group of interested residents.
3. Identify a potential meeting location, day, and time by contacting the Health & Wellness desk and/or using the Caremerge digital calendar.
4. Determine whether the activity is self-supporting or whether start-up or ongoing BRA funding will be needed.
5. Hold a preliminary meeting with potential participants to clarify the group’s mission, potential locations, workable times, etc.
6. Create & submit a charge (document) to the Activity Coordinator and Finance Chair, summarizing Step 5 details: purpose/mission; activity summary; potential meeting frequency location, day/time; number of residents currently and potentially interested; Chair name and current interested committee members, if any; funding requested, if needed.
7. The Activities Coordinator will present the charge to the BRA Finance Committee, the BRA Executive Committee, and the BRA Board (meeting monthly throughout the year) for final approval.
The Broadmead Mah Jongg activity will be open to all Broadmead Residents. The common interest of the group will be the ancient Chinese game of Mah Jongg. The American, or Western, version of the game will be played. The game is played with a set of 152 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols. Mahjong, or mah-jongg, is a tile-based game that was developed in the 19th century in China and has spread throughout the world since the early 20th century. It is commonly played by four players.
The goal is to make Mah Jongg available to all Broadmead residents, including those residing in the Center. There will be no formal or outside instructors. Residents who are not experienced Mah Jongg players will be coached by more experienced players and provided written assistance. We anticipate playing once per week at open tables in the lower level of the
community center. Play will be governed by the rules of the National Mah Jongg league.
Funds are requested for fiscal year 2021-2022 as follows:
• $xx.00 for the purchase of three Mah Jongg sets.
• $xx.00 for the purchase of 2022 cards from the National Mah Jongg league.
• Future fiscal year budget requests will be made in accordance with BRA budgeting procedures.
Chairperson name
(Include contact information)