New or Recently Updated (click on item to view)
- Movies through February
Music Committee Programs
- Nature Committee Meetings
- Old & New Shop Winter Hours
- Open Forum
- Quilt Show - Call for Materials​​
- Reflections on Elderhood
- The Voice - January 2025
- Train Club Library Additions
- Trip Committee - BMA Cone Collection
- Trip Committee - Philadelphia Flower Show
- Vaccine Clinic (register by January 13)
Photo Galleries & Music Concerts
Weekly Events
(go to Events for details)
Book Clubs
Men's Social
Beads & Recycled Paper Art
Creative Arts Class
Stiching Interest Group
Mexican Train Dominoes
Movie Night (schedule)
NCR Trail Trips - Done until June
Sew & So
- Duplicate Bridge
Intermediate Contract Bridge
Paint & Pastels Class
Rubber Bridge
Mah Jongg
- Ceramics Class
- Barn Sale Receiving
- IT Help & Information Sessions
Chorus Practice
Flower Committee
Christian Men's Connection Group
Writers Group
- Free Bistro Happy Hour
Men's Social
Saturday movie: (schedule).
- Quaker Meeting
Other Events
This Week and Beyond (chronologically)
(go to Events for details)
1/9: Library Book Donation & BCPL Book Mobile
1/11: Movie Night - 1984
1/13: Arts Council - Painting Demonstration
by Sam Robinson (flyer)
1/13: Arts Council - Begin Conversations
1/13: Music Committee - Brown University
Jabberwocks (flyer)
1/14: Fireside Chat - Live & Zoom (flyer)
1/14: Movie Night - La Traviata special showing
1/15: Let's Sing (flyer)
1/16: Vaccine Clinic - (register by 1/13) (flyer)
1/16: Open Forum - Jay Prince (flyer)
1/18: East Wing Artist's Reception (tentative)
1/19: Vespers - (flyer)
1/20: BRA Board of Directors Meeting (flyer)
1/20: Classics Book Group - Death Comes for the
Archbishop by Willa Cather (more)
1/20: Mystery Book Group - Waiting by Michael
Connelly (more)
1/20: Multicultural Committee - MLK's Birthday with
Friends School Students (flyer)
1/23: Trip Committee - BMA Cone Collection and
Lunch at Gertrudes (more)
Old and New Shop Winter Schedule
Winter hours will start on January 2nd. The shop will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.​
Art Council Education Programs
Painting Demonstration with Sam Robinson
On Monday January 13 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, artist Sam Robinson will demonstrate in real time​ how he paints as he does an original portrait of his father, resident Court Robinson. Drop in and watch while he does it from the beginning. (flyer)
Conversations about the exhibit "Expanding the Broadmead Collection: Recent Acquisitions"
Beginning January 13 please join with a representative of the Broadmead Arts Council Education Committee for a daily conversation about selected works in the exhibit, “Expanding The Broadmead Collection: Recent Acquisitions” now hanging in the Gallery Hall (formerly the South Hall). EACH CONVERSATION WILL FOCUS ON DIFFERENT WORKS and will last about 30 minutes. No need to sign up, just meet at the front desk. Click here for a list of the dates and times.
Reflections on Elderhood - A Conversationl Series
Starting on Tuesday, January 28, Barrett Rudd will facilitate a four week conversational series, Reflections on Elderhood. Residents will share experiences of the aging process. The sessions will be held in the Fireplace Room from 10:00 to 11:00 am. Participants should plan to attend all four sessions Space is limited. Interested? Contact Elenor Reid. (flyer)
Men's Social Addresses Men's Health Needs
On Tuesday, January 28 at 10:00am, Ann Patterson will be the speaker at the Men's Social gathering. She will speak about the opportunities that Broadmead has that may specifically address men's health needs, and also about the differences between independent and assisted living and the role of Broadmead. Questions regarding these topics should be sent to Pete Sugatt or Stephen Scheinin by January 23rd to be included in Ann's presentation.
Quilt Show - Starting March 1 (note schedule change)
The annual quilt show will start March 1 and continue through to March 30. If you have new or old family quilts to exhibit, large or small, contact Carole Glowacki. She is also looking for samples of people's firts quilts in addition to other ones.
Great Decisions Briefing Books
The Great Decisions 2025 Briefing Books have arrived and are now available. To obtain a copy make out a check for $35 payable to “Broadmead Residents Association” with a “Briefing Book” notation. Send the check to Michael Yaggy, G - 3. A Briefing Book will be delivered shortly after receipt of a check.
Each presentation will begin at 3:00 pm in the Auditorium with participation by Zoom being available. The first presentation is on Thursday, February 6. The topic is American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads. Given the upcoming change in Administrations and the many ongoing developments in events literally around the world this will be a particularly relevant topic. Following opening comments and analysis by Barry Rascovar there will be a video. Following the video all are invited and encouraged to share comments, questions, opinions and observations. For a schedule of the presentations and a detailed description of each click here.
East Hall Exhibit Schedule Changes
The East Hall exhibit featuring the art of Doug Fambrough has several schedule changes due to the recent flood in that area. The flood caused paintings to be removed to protect them. They will soon be rehung. This interruption has caused the end of the exhibit to be moved from the end of January to the end of February. The quilt show will now begin on March 1 (see above). The artist's reception planned for January 11 is now tentatively rescheduled for Saturday, January 18 from 3:00 to 5:00pm. This will be confirmed shortly.
Model Train and Railroad Group Add Books to Their Library
The Model Trains and Railroading Interest Group has added two books to their library section located in the Auditorium. The books are
Trackside Maryland, by James Gallagher with Text by Jacques Kelly. 1992, Greenberg Publishing Co.
The President Travels By Train, by Bob Withers. 1996, TLC Publishing Co
Click here for more detail about the books.
Trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show - March 4
The BRA Trip Committee is sponsoring a bus to the Philadelphia Flower Show on Tuesday, March 4. The cost of the trip is $60 per person for residents which includes the transportation to and from Philadelphia and entrance to the show. The cost of the trip will be charged to the resident’s Broadmead account and billed at the end of February. The cost is not refundable. The show features large-scale floral and landscape creations designed by the world’s most talented florists and garden artists. It is the nation’s largest and longest-running horticultural event and fundraiser, featuring stunning displays by the world’s premier floral, garden, and landscape designers. For more information about the show click here, PHS Philadelphia Flower Show
The sign up link will be available early next week. You will be notified when it is. The deadline for registering for the trip is February 14. For more information, contact Eric van den Beemt at or 410-440- 9880, Lisa Berres at or 443-578-8023, or Susan Appling at or 443-421- 1534
Trip to Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA) - The Cone Collection & Lunch at Gertrudes
The trip committee has scheduled a bus trip to the BMA on January 23rd featuring a guided tour of the famous Cone Collection and lunch at Gertrudes. The vision and philanthropy of Baltimore sisters Claribel and Etta Cone established the BMA’s internationally renowned collection of works by French artist Henri Matisse. Located in the Baltimore Museum of Art, Gertrude's has been a neighborhood staple for more than 20 years. The trip will cost $18 for transportation and $21.50 for a guided tour of the Collection. For more information and to see the trip's itinerary click here. Click here to sign up for the trip.
Nature Committee Meets on First Thursdays
The Nature Committee meets monthly on the first Thursday, at 11:00 a.m. in the Seminar Room. We discuss ways we can promote enjoyment of nature and educate the Broadmead community about challenges to the health and sustainability of our natural habitat. All are welcome. Questions: contact Nancy Funk at
Socrates Cafe
January Meeting: The Socrates Cafe will meet in January on Tuesday January 21st at 10:30-11:45 in the Auditorium. There will be a short video on "The Universe Doesn't Care" the question to probe: What is our place in cosmic indifference?" Sponsored by Towson Unitarian Universalist Church. Open to all
February Meeting: The Socrates Cafe will meet in February on Tuesday February 18th at 10:30-11:45 in the Auditorium. There will be a short video on "The Divine Connection: Ralph Waldo Emerson's Radical Vision of Nature and Self". The question to probe: Does Emerson's philosophy - that trusting in one's unique inner voice guides one to truth - resonate with me? Sponsored by Towson Unitarian Universalist Church. Open to all
First Monday Book Club Update
The First Monday Book Group will meet next at 10:30-11:30 in the Fireplace Room on January 6.
In preparation for selecting books for 2025, come ready to discuss the best/worst book recently read.
Questions? Contact Elsa Collins
Reading the Bard Literary Group
The Shakespeare series, Reading the Bard, will meet on Tuesday, January 7 at 2 o’clock in the Auditorium. We’re scheduled to see Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, a witty and thoughtful version of Hamlet. Everyone is welcome. Questions? Call Tom Scheye.
Classic Book Club
For new and all interested residents, Broadmead has a Classics Book Club that meets monthly in the Fireplace Room. We are a lively but very low-key group of about 20 readers of those classic books that we read or were planning to read in high school or college but never got around to--or have since forgotten. We have a great time for an hour or so every month and would love to have new members. Click here for the list of books we are currently reading. We meet at 10:00 a.m. on the third Monday of each month. If interested, just show up or contact John Mattingly at 443-826-8660. Our next meeting will be on Monday, January 20 at 10::00 am in the Fireside Room. We will be reading Willa Cather's Death Comes for the Archbishop, along with her short story A Lost Lady.
Mystery Book Club
There will be no meeting in December. The next meeting will be Monday, January 20th at 1:00 pm in the Community Room in the Upland building. The book under discussion will be Waiting by Michael Connelley. For the updated list of books we will be discussing click here. Questions? Contact Craig Smith. Everyone is welcome.
Book Suggestions
If you enjoy reading and/or discussing mystery books, you may be interested in the following books that have recently been published;
The Waiting by Michael Connelly. (Ballard and Bosch).
A Refiner's Fire by Donna Leon. (One of her best.)
The Drowned by John Banville. (Booker Prize Winner).
Midnight And Blue by Ian Rankin, (An Inspector Rebus Novel).
The God Of The Woods by Liz Moore. (Picked By The NYTimes As The Crime Novel Of The Year.)
Big Books Club
Having recently completed The Ambassadors by Henry James, we are tackling over the next few months Fyodor Dostoevesky's The Brothers Karamazov. Ours is a small group who meet the fourth Monday of each month to informally discuss one of those heavy volumes you never got around to in college. We read each book over the course of 'however long it takes.' (Ulysses took just about seven. This one may take four. ) We are a very informal group who just enjoy each other's company. The Brothers' group meets next on Monday, October 28 at 10:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room to discuss Part One, which has (what else?) four books in it. Feel free to drop in and enjoy the fun. Any questions can be sent to, or call John Mattingly at 443-826-8660.
Everyone is welcome.
New Books in the Library
The library has added a new batch of books in December most of which are nonfiction. For a list of these acquisitions click here. The books are shelved in the New Books section of the library, near the fireplace. For more about the Library click here
Books Not Returned
Many of our books have been checked out for several months and are therefore not available to other residents. If you are not actively reading a library book that you have checked out, please return it to the drop box marked book return, near the nonfiction section of the library.
Library Book Donations
BRA Library book donations will be the second Thursday of each month at 9:30 am, the same time that the BCPL Bookmobile is here. Click here to view the Library's book donation guidelines.
BRA Library Online Catalog
The Broadmead Library catalog is online, and no login or password is required. It will tell you which books the library owns, although not whether the book has been checked out. You can search by author, title, or keyword. To access the BRA library online catalog click here
Barn Sale Receiving Donations Weekly
The Greater Barn Sale is ready to receive inventory from all residents every Thursday from 10:00 am to noon and 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Please deliver ALL donations (except books) to the Barn Sale workroom in the back hall of the Lower Level of the Center. Book donations are the second Thursday of the month in the library area (see library notice below). Please make sure all clothing is clean, in good repair and desirable by another person. also, please no men's trousers or suits. All donations to the Barn Sale contribute to the support of the many BRA activities we enjoy. For any questions or concerns please email Lucy Wright. Click here for a list of the Barn Sale organization and the department heads.
The Barn Sale also accepts donations from families of residents who are moving to assisted living or who have passed away. We also accept donations from new residents who are downsizing during their move to Broadmead. Click below for donation guides for these situations.
For more information about the Barn Sale, go to
​Listserv Guidelines
There has been some discussion about the use of the email system, listserv. Here is a link to guidelines that were established several years ago about its use. Listserv Guidelines To register for the Listserv, see the note at the bottom of the About page
Privacy Policy: Out of respect to the privacy of our residents, no one's email or phone number is published on this site without verbal or written permission or unless contained in correspondence intended for publication. Should this inadvertently occur please contact the webmaster at,