BRA Activities
ORGANIZER: Joe Nietubicz
WHERE: Find hard copies of the Journals in the Broadmead Library - getting a copy of the journal is by subscription. If you would like to get a copy, send your name and unit# to
WHEN: Published bi-annually in Spring and Fall (in paper by subscription and digitally to all residents)
DETAILS: The Journal was first published in 2015 at the request of the Broadmead Writers group. All contributions come from the Broadmead residents and consist of both poetry and prose.
ORGANIZERS: Gwen Marable, Mari Quint, Maggie Babb
WHEN: Fridays 3:00–4:30 pm
DETAILS:The Broadmead Writers Group meets weekly to write and listen to each other’s written work. The group’s philosophy is a simple one: every person is a writer, and every writer deserves a safe space in which to experiment, learn, and develop their craft. The group follows the guidelines of the Amherst Writing Method, which states:
• Everyone has a strong, unique voice.
• Everyone is born with creative genius.
• Writing belongs to all people.
• A writer is one who writes.
ORGANIZER: John Mattingly
WHERE: Fireplace Room adjacent to the Bistro
WHEN: 3rd Monday of each month at 10:00 am
DETAILS: For new and all interested residents, Broadmead has a Classics Book Club that meets monthly in the Fireplace Room. They are a lively but very low-key group of about 20 readers of those classic books that we read or were planning to read in high school or college but never got around to--or have since forgotten.
ORGANIZER: Elsa Collins
WHERE: Fireplace Room adjacent to the Bistro
WHEN: 1st Monday of the month, 10:30 am
DETAILS: The club meets ten months a year. With chairs arranged in a circle, participation is lively. Residents suggest new books for the list. The list of books is published in The Voice and the BRA website
ORGANIZER: Craig Smith
WHERE: Upland Community Room
WHEN: 3rd Monday of the month, 1:00 pm
DETAILS: The club meets monthly on the third Monday of the month and focuses on mystery novels. The list of books being discussed is published on this website.
ORGANIZER: Dave Harley
WHEN: Every Thursday, at 10:00 am
DETAILS: A group of residents meet weekly to discuss poems, either from a book or from suggestions from the members of the group. The emphasis is more on the meaning than on the structure of the poem.
ORGANIZERS: Pat van den Beemt
WHERE: Bookshelves lining the walls of the Community Center’s lower level
WHEN: Library shelves are always accessible to Broadmead residents; BRA Library Workgroup meetings, as scheduled
DETAILS: The Broadmead Library offers a range of fiction, non-fiction, and biography books for residents to borrow. There are also limited selections of material on Quakers and dementia care. The BRA Library Workgroup augments this collection in two ways: 1) the purchase of new large-print books from its annual budget; and 2) the review and selection of books that are donated. Books that are not incorporated into the library are sold in BRA’s Old & New Shop and at the Barn Sales. There is also a paperback section where no checkout is needed and a section of resident biographies
The library workgroup also maintains an online catalog of the collection which residents can browse to see what is available. The link to the catalog is: There is also a link to the catalog on the BRA Website's Activities page, and on CareMerge.
WHERE: Auditorium
WHEN: Several time a year
DETAILS: The Play Readers Theater group selects one-act scripts to read to the audience (not act), periodically providing a unique style of entertainment to all. Usually there are three or more parts (and readers) who are lightly rehearsed but quite entertaining.
ORGANIZER: Alice Cherbonnier, Editor
DISTRIBUTION: New issues are distributed on the 1st of each month from September through May in residents’ cubbies, in the Marketing Office, and at the two Reception Desks. A summer issue is distributed on June 15.
FREQUENCY: Published monthly except for July and August
STORY CONTENT: Decisions about content, as well as writing and photography assignments, are made by the Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Board, at meetings usually held the fourth Wednesday of each month. Ideas for articles should be submitted to Only electronic files are accepted. All copy is subject to editing, including for length. The deadline for submitting copy is the 15th of the month prior to the month of the issue in which an article is to appear. Exception: the copy deadline for the Summer issue is June 1.
PROMOTIONAL BOXES: Residents may submit requests to run event promotion content in “ad boxes”. Requests are due by the 10th of the month preceding publication of the ad or promo. Email requests to Francine Nietubicz at There may not be space to accommodate all requests.
MISSION: The Voice is produced by and for the Broadmead Residents Association. It seeks to announce and report on activities at Broadmead and to carry news, features, and photos of interest to residents. Its major goal is to promote a sense of community.
DISCLAIMERS: The Voice does not publish criticism of individuals or the three organizational bodies that constitute Broadmead (residents, administration, and trustees), nor controversial opinions about Broadmead affairs, as there are established procedures for the resolution of internal problems.
The Voice does not publish matters of religious or political nature, except in the context of a lecture report with attribution to the author of the opinion, nor does it publish submissions from outside media due to space limitations and possible copyright problems.