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BRA Activities

Visual Arts


ORGANIZER: Leslie Glickman
WHERE: Community Center, Arts and Ceramics Studio
WHEN: Mondays, October 7, 14, 21, 28, from 3:00 to 4:30 pm
DETAILS: Four weeks of professional instruction with Tracey Robbins on rolled paper techniques, focusing on quilling. This class offers one-on-one expert instruction with attention to the encouragement of creativity, resourcefulness, and mindfulness of the environment. No experience or supplies required.



ORGANIZER: Willy Sydnor
WHERE: Community Center, Arts and Ceramics Studio
WHEN: Thursdays, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
DETAILS: Residents of varied interests and skills come to Ceramics to “play in the mud”. From beginners to more experienced potters, everyone has the opportunity to try their hand at something new. In this friendly environment the instructor, currently Yoshi Fujii of Baltimore Clayworks, offers encouragement and new techniques while each resident contributes his or her own imagination and enthusiasm.



ORGANIZER: Jane Elkinton and Jai Dixon

WHERE Art & Ceramics Studio

WHEN: Fridays  1-3 pm

DETAILS: A series of art workshops in a variety of media, enriched with online instruction. Sign-up required.



ORGANIZER: Carolyn Murphy & Lynn Jones
WHERE: East Hall, on the upper level of the Community Center
WHEN: Approximately 10 shows per year. Most shows are for one month.
DETAILS: The East Hall resident shows can be solo or group shows of anything hangable — artwork, photographs, and quilts (a winter favorite) being the most frequent displays. Efforts are made to invite at least two outside professional artists to display their work, each year.



ORGANIZER: :in Hardy
WHERE: Community Center, Arts and Ceramics Studio
WHEN: Tuesdays, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

DETAILS: This is an informal gathering of knitters, crocheters, and quilters.  Attendance varies. 



ORGANIZERS: Carroll Celentano
WHERE: Community Center, Arts and Ceramics Studio
WHEN: Thursdays, 10:00 am –12 noon
DETAILS: Instructor Sally Thomas usually designs a project for the newcomers that she will demonstrate and help students to achieve. For returning students, there is always the option to learn something new or use the time to improve or finish an ongoing project. In either case, Sally is there to answer questions, give advice, and provide encouragement. This group works well in close proximity and can offer each other ways to see with fresh eyes.  Participation is limited to about 10, given the size of the room and the need for working space.


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